Garden Club of St. Augustine, Inc.
Founded in 1926

Gaillardia Circle

Organized 1950 as the Gaillardia Circle of the Garden Club of St. Augustine, Inc.

Garden Therapy, Beach Conservation

Third Tuesday – 1:00 PM


(Click on date to view place program and host)

PLACE:  Garden Center
PROGRAM: “Pass Along Plants” Plant Exchange, Members
HOSTS: Julie Jones, Margo Pomar, Teresa Lopez

PLACE: Garden Center
PROGRAM: Craft Workshops for Boutique
HOSTS: Trudi Edenfield, Nick Myers, Dee Lottman

PLACE: Garden Center
PROGRAM: Tour of Homes Workshop, Visit Tour Home
HOSTS: Circle Officers


PROGRAM: Christmas Luncheon
HOSTS: Circle Officers

PLACE: Garden Center
PROGRAM: Fun with Flowers, Dottie Hudson
HOSTS: Iris Bish, Gail Allo, Bernadette Connolly

PLACE: Garden Center
PROGRAM: “Everything Daylillies”, Connie Gladding, President N. Florida Daylily Society
HOSTS: Dotti Hudson, Jeannine Silcox, Daryl Schaffer

PLACE: Garden Center
PROGRAM: “My Favorite Flowers”, Shirley Barber, Master Gardener Extraordinaire
HOSTS: Pat Garretson, Carolyn Morrison, Patty Schweish

PLACE: E.F.G. Orchids, Deland, FL
PROGRAM: Tour of Orchid Production, Orchids 101
HOSTS: Members

PLACE: Gypsy Cab
PROGRAM: End of Year Celebration and Luncheon
HOSTS: Members