Garden Club of St. Augustine, Inc.
Founded in 1926

Hibiscus Circle

Organized 1939 as the Hibiscus Circle of the Garden Club of St. Augustine, Inc.

Second Thursday – 1:00 PM


PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Butterfly Gardens – Bob Warren, Year in Preview
HOSTS: Rosemary Comtois, Marianne Davies, Heidi Sykes-Gomez, Gina Taylor,
Joe Stumpf, Linda Stumpf

PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Flower Fun – Laura Dowling, TOH Prep
HOSTS: Steve Davies, Sharon Myers, Bill Rosenthal, Joanie Selph, Claire Southerland, Daisy Thompson

PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: TOH Craft Making/Sharing
HOSTS: Kathy Hicks, Karen Kneeland, Amy Nargisco, Betsy Preuss, Liz Whalen

PLACE: 64 Valencia Street
PROGRAM: Decorating TOH House!
HOSTS: Lunch will be provided for helpers on Saturday Dec. 7th to celebrate!

PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Holiday Potluck with a mock flower show & judging

PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: A Tower of Hydroponic Gardening
HOSTS: Sarah Harrienger Lynda Hathorn, Joe Lemmon, Judy Lumpp, Sandy Smollich, Rita Urbanski

PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Planning your herb & veggie garden – Keith Fuller
HOSTS: Sue Carmichael, Craig Meyerer, Susan Meyerer, Sharon Seider,
Deborah Smith, Cheryl Zimmerman

PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Ribault GC Cross Pollinating
HOSTS: Annette Giannini, Barb Huber, Renee Jamison, Janice Lennox, Rosemarie Quintero, Gayle Spinell-Gellers

PLACE: Southbank Hotel, Jacksonville
PROGRAM: Attend FFGC Annual Convention Events

PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Plant Exchange and Officer Elections
HOSTS: Carla Buchanan-Steward Karen Donaway, Judy Fegen, Michael Fegen, Janerae Fiore-Morell

PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Installation of new Circle Officers and End of Season Luncheon