Seasonal crafts with residents of the Coral Landing Assisted Living Center
Third Wednesday – 12:30 PM
(Click on date to view place program and host)
PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Welcome Back Hat Tea
HOSTS: Shirley Bonner, Pattie Bibb, Janice Stey, Cheryl Ciavara
PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Crafting Reindeer Ornaments
HOSTS: Eileen Giarusso, Alanna White, Evelyn Jacobs
PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Finalize Decorating Details for Tour of Homes
HOSTS: Dottie Colsant, Susan Williams, Rosemary Baldwin
PLACE: Lorraine Manfredi’s House
PROGRAM: Holiday Luncheon
HOSTS: Lorraine Manfredi, Diane Batchelder
PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: How to Enter a Flower Show – Design & Horticulture
HOSTS: Tracy Brogan, Nancy Henley, Taffy Harris, Diane Battle
PLACE: Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens
PROGRAM: Tour of Gardens and Lunch
PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Card Party
PLACE: Garden Club
PROGRAM: Informational Program – Flower Planters in Downtown Deland
HOSTS: Laverne Zirk, Alice Mazza, Randi Heise
PLACE: St. Johns Botanical Gardens
PROGRAM: Tour of Gardens
HOSTS: Bag lunch
PLACE: Washington Oaks State Park
PROGRAM: End-of-Year Picnic
HOSTS: Potluck